Difference between SGD and GD

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Some detail concerning the difference between SGD and GD.

Gradient descent

Key issue: all the data sample from the dataset $D = {(x_i,y_i)}^N_{i=1}$ are used for gradient computation and update in a single iteration. (Batchsize = N)

SGD (Mini-Batch)

Key issue: Dataset $D$ is randomly shuffled and divided into mini-batches with smaller size of B rather than N. \(S_j=\{(x_i,y_i)\}_{i=j}^{B+j-1}, D = S_1\bigcup S_2\bigcup \cdots\bigcup S_{N-B+1}\) Then, SGD conduct GD on each batch.


Main difference: Whether the optimization objective for each iteration is an average loss function over all samples or a loss function over a single sample. Main advantage of SGD or Minibatch SGD: It introduces stochastic noise in the iterations, making the optimizing agent easier to excape from the local optima.